CW Clubs
With thousands of members all over the world, Straight Key Century Club (SKCC) is dedicated to preserving the art of manual telegraphy.
Member #12340
FISTS supports the use, preservation and education of Morse code. The club is devoted exclusively to CW operators.
Member #16607
FP strive to promote the art, skill and fun of low Power Amateur Radio Communiations and to promote the homebrewing of Amateur Radio Equipment. Member #3395
QCWA Promotes friendship and cooperation among Amateur Radio operators who were licensed at least a quarter century ago, and are licensed today.
Member #36359
Encouraging the use of CW and helping all hams increase CW speed and proficiency is a top club priority.
Member #8739
Formed in 1974, the GQRP Club is a non profit organisation run entirely by volunteers to promote Low Power Radio.
Member #14548
The CWJF is a group dedicated to the enhancement and improvement of radioamateurs in the practice of CW on all continents. Member #750